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In other words, what is the big deal for the reader when he sees all of these things being repeated in Genesis and/or Exodus? How is the meaning of the text changed or affected by these repetitions? When there are so many things (situations, phrases, themes, etc) repeated in Genesis and Exodus, how do these repetitions affect the message of the book? Does it help the book stick together? Does it make the book harder to read or easier? Do the repetitions have a plan and a purpose by the author?
Your thread should begin with your claim (thesis) that answers the questions above. After this first sentence, make your argument by examining one to three repetitions of either similar words, situations, scenes or themes that show that your thesis (claim) is correct. In this argument, you must defend, clarify and explain your thesis concerning the meaning of these repetitions in Genesis and/or Exodus.
If you use a source, please provide a footnote. If you refer to or quote from the Bible, please use parentheticals rather than a footnote. Any exact words or phrases must be placed in quotes from any source. Please note that your post should be approximately 200–250 words, and your writing style should be formal.